lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Hellboy II domina la taquilla norteamericana

Las películas más vistas de la semana son:
1. "Hellboy II: The Golden Army," $35.9 M.
2. "Hancock," $33 M.
3. "Journey to the Center of the Earth," $20.6 M.
4. "WALL-E," $18.5 M.
5. "Wanted," $11.6 M.
6. "Get Smart," $7.1 M.
7. "Meet Dave," $5.3 M.
8. "Kung Fu Panda," $4.3 M.
9. "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl," $2.5 M.
10. "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," $2.3 M.

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